1-3-24, 8:46pm
On the 5th, it will be my birthday, and I will officially be 20.
1-4-24, 11:32pm
Ran into some friends today!
1-5-24, 11:43pm
You're older than you've ever been and now you're even older!
1-6-24, 8:13pm
Played some Slime Rancher and had a gift returned to me that I had forgotten in a bag.
1-8-24, 2:10pm
Finished Undertale!!!(Proababba review look outsies)
1-9-24, 8:49pm
Almost forgot today, did some drawin'!!
1-10-24, 11:40 pm
Made some yummy tea and drank it with two frozen donuts :)
1-11-24, 8:28 pm
I love my djungelskog!!!